Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the mixing ratios for each color segment?
- 1:1 Core Series and Classic High Lift
- 1:2 Ice Series
- 1:1.5 Toners (Silver and Pearl)
Multi Complex:
- 1:1.5 Core Series and Classic High Lifts
- 1:2 SuperBlondes
- 1:1.5 Core Series and Classic High Lifts
- 1:2
Color Switch:
- No Developer needed
Do you offer a natural hair color line?
Tocco Magico was the first color manufacturer to infuse herbal extracts and botanicals into our color creams. Since 1938, tradition and experience have been passed on from generation to generation and have provided our products with a high level of quality that is responsibly sourced and never tested on animals.
What is Neutral?
Neutral is a creative and useful tool designed as a diluter used primarily in depositing services and contains zero pigment. It can be used on its own with 7 or 10 volume Oxy Universal Developer for a shine-enhancing service or mixed into any shade to soften the tone and intensity, while maintaining the purity of the original tone.
What is C.S.?
C.S. is a level lifter that can provide one extra level of lift when added to a formula. For example, a level 6 Dark Blond will become a level 7 Blond. Add C.S. to your high lift formulas to guarantee capable levels of lift. C.S. can also aid in grey coverage when added to formulas in small proportions of 1-2g.
What lightener is best for balayage?
We recommend Free-Blonde and Charcoal Bamboo lightener from our incredible De-Light blonding series.
What is the difference between ColorTon and Multi Complex?
Color-Ton is an opaque, cool-based line that is mixed 1:1. Multi Complex is a dimensional, warm-based line that is mixed 1:1.5. They are both permanent lines but have different ingredients.
Do you have to wash the hair before applying color?
No, you do not have to but if you choose to that is okay! Color can be applied to clean, towel-dried hair.
How do you use Barrier Cream?
By using a unique and patented technology in mixing silicones, Barrier Cream creates a waterproof shield that protects the skin from hair color while allowing color to penetrate the hair. Apply around the entire hairline including behind the ears and the nape of the neck before all chemical services. If the cream is white the color will not penetrate through, rub in until clear and color will penetrate through.
How many levels can you achieve with High Lift Series?
Classic High Lift series- up to 4 on a natural level 7 or higher
Ice Series- up to 5 on a natural level 6 or higher
Multi Complex
Classic High Lift series- up to 4 on a natural level 7 or higher
Super Blondes- up to 5 on a natural level 6 or higher
Classic High Lift series- up to 4 on a natural level 7 or higher
Does Color Switch require a Developer?
No, Color Switch is a semi-permanent or direct dye. It can be used on its own or can be mixed into shampoos and conditioners.
How long are the processing times for permanent colors?
Color-Ton 20-45 minutes *up to 50 minutes with Ice series
Multi-Complex 20-40 minutes *up to 50 with Super Blonde series
Freelux 20-40 minutes up to 45 with High Lift series
Do you need to add anything to your naturals to cover grey?
No, they are pre-pigmented shades with yellow, red, and blue pigments.